Are Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Starters Gender Locked? (How to Change Pokémon Starter Gender)

I feel like there are many factors that players need to consider when choosing the best starter Pokémon, such as their type and stats. And now, to my surprise, there is also the issue of Gender ⚥.

I have never before felt like the gender of a starter Pokémon should matter a lot. But, to some players, it does.

⚙️It is, therefore, unfortunate the game is set in such a way that the odds of getting male starters are higher than getting female starters.

Which is quite a disadvantage to players who prefer having female starters.

The good news, however, is that the genders are not locked – you can manipulate your outcome to make sure you end up with your preferred gender for your starter Pokémon.

Read on to find out the steps you can take to make sure you get your starter Pokémon preferred gender.

Via Giphy

How to change the starter gender in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

How to Change Pokémon Starter Gender
Starter gender in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Image source: Pinterest

The process is straightforward, here’s how to do it;

  • Save the progress of your game.
  • Choose a starter Pokémon.
  • You will see a prompt to give the Pokémon a nickname. Select ‘Yes.’
  • On the nickname input screen, you will see an icon representing the Pokémon gender.
  • If the Pokémon is not in your preferred gender, click on the home screen button.
  • Close the game, then reopen it.
  • Choose your starter Pokemon again to reroll its gender.
  • Repeat the process as many times as needed – until you get your preferred gender.

Does starter Pokémon gender matter in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

Change Pokémon Starter Gender
Pokémon gender matter in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Image source: Pinterest

💡In my opinion, I do not think the gender of a starter Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet matters.

The most important aspect any player should consider when picking Pokémon starters is their stats 📊 and their final evolution.

These are key in helping you determine how well the starter Pokémon can perform in battle.

Average stats for Pokémon starters in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet





























Can you get female starters in Scarlet and Violet?

Yes. It is possible to get female starters in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet although they are very rare to capture – the ratio being 1:8 against the male starters.

If you are hell-bound on getting female starters, make sure to save your game before picking a starter Pokémon. If you do not get a female starter, reset the game and repeat the process until you get your preferred gender.

Alternatively, you could opt to unlock the National Pokedex – travel to other regions where you could encounter the female starters in the wild.

What are the Odds of Male vs Female Starters in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

Pokémon Scarlet vs Violet Starters
Odds of Male vs Female Starters. Image source: Pinterest

Based on estimates, there is an 87.5% chance of getting male starters as opposed to a 12.5% chance of getting female starters.

I would assume the creators like to keep it this way to prevent a lot of breeding from happening in the initial stages of the game.

Also, the game uses a Random Number Generator software system, which can be pretty unpredictable.

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to cheat the system. You can only hope to be lucky enough to get your preferred gender.

When do you save to reset starter genders?

In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you save the game before picking out your starter Pokémon. Doing so allows you to reset the genders of your starter Pokémon if you do not get the genders of your liking.

Saving the game after picking out a starter Pokémon will lock the gender. Therefore, if you picked out a male starter but you intended to have a female starter, there is nothing you can do about it.

The only remaining option would be to give your Pokémon a feminine appearance, though they will still be referred to

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