Can Pokémon be traded twice? (How many times can Pokémon be traded?)

In the midst of a Pokémon tournament, I found myself in a tight spot. My opponent unleashed a formidable Pokémon, and my current team lacked the counter needed.

Just when things seemed bleak, a fellow trainer stepped up, offering to trade a Pokémon with the perfect type advantage.

The trade went through, and miraculously, I secured victory in the battle. However, as fate would have it, another trainer sought the same Pokémon. This sparked my quest to explore the Pokémon trading rules.

In this article, we’re set to embark on this discovery together, focusing on how many times a Pokémon can be traded.

Let’s dive in!

Via Tenor

How many times can Pokémon be traded?

Via Tenor

In both the Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon Go, a crucial rule restricts a Pokémon from being traded more than once😌.

This regulation upholds equilibrium within the game and curtails any potential exploitation of the trading system.

In Pokémon Go, trainers must meet three essential criteria to initiate a trade:

  • Attain a level of 10 or higher.
  • Establish a friendship connection on Pokémon Go with the intended trade partner.
  • Physically be within a 100-meter proximity in real life.

Once these prerequisites are satisfied, trainers can engage in trading. Nevertheless, it’s vital to note that once a Pokémon undergoes a trade, it becomes ineligible for subsequent trades🥶. This precautionary measure thwarts any attempts by players to repetitively trade Pokémon back and forth, preventing the unfair enhancement of their stats.

Can you retrade Pokémon?

Is there a limit to how many times a Pokémon can be traded?
Retrade Pokémon. Image source: Pinterest

In Pokémon Go, once a Pokémon undergoes a trade, it cannot be traded again, a rule vital for game balance and fairness. This prevents repetitive trades aimed at perfecting Individual Values (IVs), averting unfair advantages.

Additionally, it preserves the challenge by restricting the completion of Pokédexes through constant retrading of regional Pokémon.

The rule also safeguards against exploiting the candy bonus system, which rewards distance between traded Pokémon. Allowing retrading could turn this into an infinite candy source.

Despite seeming restrictive, the inability to retrade maintains game integrity and balance.🎮🐾

Can Pokémon be traded more than once to different people?

In Pokémon games, a crucial rule ensures that a Pokémon can only be traded once, even to different trainers, maintaining the game’s equilibrium and fairness.

Once a Pokémon undergoes a trade, it becomes permanently associated with its new trainer, precluding any possibility of being traded back to the original owner or another trainer🔄.

This rule prevents the exploitation of the game’s mechanics, specifically avoiding the continuous re-rolling of a Pokémon’s stats through trades.

Allowing retrading could lead to players repetitively exchanging a Pokémon to attain perfect Individual Values (IVs), creating an unfair advantage in the game.

Why can’t you trade a Pokémon multiple times?

How many times can Pokémon be traded?
Trading a Pokémon. Image source: Pinterest

In Pokémon games, the restriction on multiple trades is primarily in place for the following reasons:

In Pokémon games, the restriction on multiple trades serves various crucial purposes:

  • Stat Re-rolling: Trading a Pokémon triggers a re-roll of its Individual Values (IVs). Allowing retrading could lead to players exploiting this, continuously exchanging a Pokémon to attain perfect IVs.
  • Lucky Pokémon: A trade may result in a Pokémon becoming “Lucky,” requiring less Stardust for power-ups. Permitting retrading might enable players to trade until they obtain a Lucky Pokémon repeatedly.
  • Candy Bonus: A catch distance exceeding 100km grants a two-candy bonus. Allowing retrading could potentially transform this into an infinite candy source.
  • Regional Pokémon: Retrading is restricted due to regional Pokémon, preventing swift completion of Pokédexes and maintaining the challenge and exploration aspect of the game.
  • Game Balance: The prohibition on retrading ensures game balance and fairness, promoting individual exploration and training while preventing one Trainer from gaining an undue advantage over another.

Here is a table summarizing the reasons.



Stat Re-rolling

To prevent stat re-rolling

Lucky Pokémon

might enable players to trade until they obtain a Lucky Pokémon

Candy Bonus

transform this into an infinite candy source.

Regional Pokémon

preventing swift completion of Pokédexes and maintaining the challenge

Game Balance

It keeps the game’s balance and fairness

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