Is There a Shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go? (How Rare Is a Shiny Porygon?)

Yes. There is a shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go 😊. However, you’ll have a 0.2% chance of capturing one, and that’s why I stocked up on candies, lure modules, and incense during the January Community Day Classic Event.

I missed my chance during the September 2020 Community Day Event and wasn’t about to miss this one.

Fortunately, my over-preparation paid off, and I captured my Shiny Porygon. Although I don’t see myself using it in serious battles, I enjoy looking at it. Anyway, here’s what you need to know about the Shiny Porygon.

How rare is a shiny Porygon?

How rare is a shiny Porygon?
How rare is a shiny Porygon? Image source: Pinterest

Shiny Porygon is very rare in Pokemon Go. It’s worth noting that the regular Porygon is already rare in the Pokemon universe, and it’s easy to see why.

According to the Pokedex entries, Porygon is an artificial Pokemon made entirely of programming code. It features a polyhedral head and body.

Its head tapers into a blue beak, and its eyes are hexagonal. Porygon has blue triangular prisms for feet and a rectangular prism-shaped tail 🤓.

Shiny Porygon, on the other hand, trades in the classic pink for royal blue and the baby blue for purple. This alternate design makes it highly sought after among Pokemon Go enthusiasts. Shiny Porygon is often available during special events; more on this later.

Anyway, here’s a table summarizing Porygon’s stats. We’ve included its evolutions to paint a more complete picture 👇:

















Sp. Atk




Sp. Def








What are the chances of catching a shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go?

What are the chances of catching a shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go?


Like other shinies, you have a 1 in 500 chance of catching a shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go. However, these odds improve during special events.

The best time to hunt for a shiny Porygon is during the Community Day Classic Event, where you have a 1 in 25 chance. Such events see an influx of specific Pokemon in the wild.

During the 2024 January Community Day Classic Event, you could catch a shiny Porygon and evolve their own to a Porygon-Z that knows Tri-attack. This event occurred on January 20, 2024, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.

How do you catch a Shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go?

How do you catch a Shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go?
Shiny Porygon in Pokemon Go. Image source: Pinterest

As mentioned, you have a higher chance of catching a shiny Porygon during special events. Here are tips to help you capture one during such events 🧐.

Use incense or lure modules.

Lure modules are items attached to Pokestops to attract wild Pokemon in the area. Once done, tap the pink lure button above the spinnable circle to activate. You’ll know it works when petals spin around the Pokestop.

Lure Modules last 30 minutes, so wait for optimum conditions before activating yours. On the other hand, incense attracts wild Pokemon to your location.

Pay attention to special conditions and areas.

Porygon is a Normal-type Pokemon that frequently spawns around cities and industrial areas. Additionally, you’ll get Porygon with a higher IV during a partially cloudy day.

Capitalizing on Lure Modules, incense, and special weather conditions will improve your chances of catching a wild Porygon.

However, nothing beats hunting during a Community Day Classic Event.

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