Are shinies the same for everyone in Pokémon Go? (are shiny encounters the same for each player?)

No, shinies are not the same for everyone in Pokémon Go. I remember the day I spotted my first shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go. My heart raced as I tapped on the golden Magikarp, a rare variant that sparkled on my screen.

Excited, I called my friend to share the news, only for them to find a regular, red-colored Magikarp at the same spot. This experience made me wonder whether shiny Pokémon encounters are the same for each player.

In this article, we’ll explore this exciting aspect of Pokémon Go, shedding light on the mechanics of shiny encounters and how they add a layer of thrill to our Pokémon hunting adventures.

Are shiny encounters the same for each player?

Via Tenor

No, when it comes to shiny encounters, each player experiences independent events. Players at similar levels might encounter the same Pokémon, but how this Pokémon appears for each might differ as it might be shiny for one and not shiny for the other regardless of the similarity in EVS, STATS, HP, Combat power, and Level.

However, in a discussion, various players mention an unusual experience where they and a friend caught the same shiny Pokémon.

While these occurrences are infrequent, it is still possible, especially when players see many of the same spawns while playing.

Other players believe that factors like the static player ID and the spawned Pokémon ID could influence these odds of being shiny.

Can the same spawn be shiny for multiple players?

Can the same spawn be shiny for multiple players?
Shiny Pokémon. Image source: Pinterest

Yes, a spawn can appear shiny for more than one player from the exact spawn🥳. However, it is essential to note that the likelihood of this happening is very low, which means it is rare for two players to find the same shiny Pokémon.

Moreover, in certain events such as Community Days(CD), the odds become relatively higher😁 and two or more players can encounter the same shiny spawn.

So, while a spawn could be shiny for multiple players, it is still not guaranteed.

Does every player get the same chances of catching a shiny Pokémon?

Every player gets the same primary chances of catching a shiny Pokémon. The base odds are believed to be 1 in every 500 chances👏.

However, the odds fluctuate based on the type and events. For instance, a wild shiny has a 1 in 500 chance, whereas a Tier 5 raid shiny has a fixed 1 in 20 chance.

A Mega Evolution Pokémon has a slightly higher rate at 1 in 64 for shinies for both raids and wild encounters.

Also, Pokémon such as Lickitung and various costume Pokémon have way better odds at 1 in 64 chances for being shiny when clicked.

During Community Day (CD), the Pokémon involved will have a 1 in 25 chance of being shiny.

Here is a table summarizing the base shiny encounters:

Encounter Type

Shiny chances

Wild Shinies

1in 500 chances

Tier 5 Raid Shinies

1 in 20 chances

Shinies with a Mega Evolution

1 in 64 chances

Boosted Shiny Rates (e.g., Lickitung, some costume Pokémon)

1 in 64 chances

Community Day Shiny Odds

1 in 25 chances

These shiny cathing rates are the same for every player😃.

Is a wild spawn turned shiny ditto the same for everyone?

Is a wild spawn turned shiny ditto the same for everyone?
Shiny ditto. Image source: Pinterest

No, when a wild spawn transforms into a shiny Ditto in Pokémon Go, it’s not the same for everyone💔. The shininess of a Ditto, just like all other Pokémon in the game, is decided individually for each player.

If two players come across the same Pokémon that might turn into a Ditto, it could be shiny for one player and not for the other.

Additionally, a shiny Pokémon in its disguise form won’t transform into a Ditto. Only the non-shiny forms of potential disguises can change into a Ditto, and this Ditto might potentially be shiny.

However, these outcomes differ between players.

Can two people get the same Shiny Pokémon?

Can two people get the same Shiny Pokémon?
Shiny Pokémon. Image source: Pinterest

Yes, two players can encounter the same shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go. However, this is naturally considered rare since, in most cases, players experience shiny Pokemons individually.

If two players click on the same Pokémon, it might be shiny for one and not for both.

There are specific events like Community Days where players have observed that the odds of two players getting the same shiny are higher😊.

Why do some people get more Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

Via Tenor

Some players find more Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go than others due to a mix of game mechanics and how much players engage with the game.

Shiny Pokémon are determined by a random number generator (RNG), meaning each encounter has a fixed chance of being shiny, typically around 1 in 450 for most species.

Also, these players might be engaging more in events like raids or hatching many eggs, as these are significant activities that boost the rates of getting shinny.

Relatively, players who check the “Shiny Check” are most likely to increase their odds of getting one, too. Moreover, Special events like Community Days spotlight specific Pokémon with higher shiny rates.

All in all, Luck is a significant factor, too. Some players may be luckier when it comes to finding Shiny Pokémon.

It’s also possible that players with more Shinies are more active, checking and catching Pokémon overall.

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