I have always preferred dual-type Pokémon due to their better resistance and more stability. After playing Pokémon Go for a while, I was considering using dual-type Pokemon that are ice and grass types like Snover, Abomasnow, and Mega Abomasnow.
🧐Before I could start using them, I took some time learning about their strengths, weaknesses, stats, and best movesets.
I later created this post to share details regarding these ice grass-type Pokemon. So, stick around until the end to learn more about them.
What is ice-grass type Pokemon’s weakness?
Ice grass type Pokémon are weak to bug, rock, poison, steel, fire, flying, and fighting. Introduced in Generation IV, Snover is a frost tree Pokémon that grows berries around its belly in the spring.
At level 40, it evolves into Abomasnow, which shows up when the snow flowers bloom. Abomasnow can evolve into Mega Abomasnow by using Abomasite.
This Pokemon lives in the snowy mountains and hides by whipping up blizzards. ☹️Unfortunately, Mega Abomasnow Pokémon is 2x weak to Fire Type moves.
What is ice grass type Pokemon strong against?
💪Ice grass type Pokémon are strong against water, electric, grass, and ground. Snover, for instance, is among the best hail setters since it provides hail support and has a great synergy with Alolan Sandshrew, which benefits from the hail.
With a Choice scarf, this ice grass type Pokémon can take out the types of Pokémon we mentioned.
On the other hand, Abomasnow is boosted by the Snow and Sunny weather. It is resistant to up to 62.5% of water, grass, electric, and ground-type Pokémon.
What type of attacker is ice grass-type Pokemon?
Snover is a physical attacker since most moves aimed at this ice grass type Pokémon are physical. Its attack and special attack EVs allow it to sweep more easily with Ice Shard. Abomasnow is also a physical attacker. Its most powerful attack is Blizzard.
This hits most of the physically defensive targets like Steelix and Vileplume for good damage, as well as other offensive Pokémon.
👍Mega Abamansnow, on the other hand, has great special attack and attack stats, as well as powerful STAB attacks that make it a great wallbreaker.
What is the best moveset for ice grass-type Pokemon?
In Pokémon Go, the best move set for Snover is Ice Beam and Leafage, with 8.35 damage per second. When battling in neutral weather, it can deal 118.3 damage before Snover faints.
Some imply that the best move set for Snover when attacking Pokémon in Gyms is Ice Shard. The best moveset for Abomasnow is Weather Ball and Leafage, with 12.88 damage per second.
It can deal 343.4 damage before this ice grass-type Pokémon faints when battling in neutral weather. The best moveset for Mega Abomasnow is Weather Ball and Leafage.
Here are the stats of ice grass-type Pokémon.
Ice grass type Pokémon |
Snover |
Abomasnow |
Mega Abomasnow |
HP |
60 |
90 |
90 |
Defense |
50 |
75 |
105 |
Attack |
62 |
92 |
132 |
Special Defense |
60 |
85 |
105 |
Special Attack |
62 |
92 |
132 |
Speed |
40 |
60 |
30 |
As a Pokemon gaming expert, there is no Pokemon game that I have not played. The last 15 years have been quite entertaining since I have been playing this game and gaining more experience each day. My expertise has also given me the opportunity to participate in some of the greatest Pokemon tournaments. With such experience, I am enthusiastic about sharing my insights on Pokemon games with every Pokewolf reader to help you become a pro! You can read more about me on the about us page.