Can Charizard and Gyarados Breed? (Can You Breed a Charizard with a Gyarados?)
Finding the right type of Pokémon to breed with Charizard has always been something I am curious about. There is a particular pairing that has been intriguing to me, which I would like to explore.
My obvious choice to breed with Charizard has always been Gyarados. I think both Pokémon are really cool with awesome moves. It would be pretty interesting to see the kind of Pokémon that results from these two.
Now it is time to dive in and figure out if these two Pokémon can breed with each other.

Does a Charizard Belong to the Same Egg Group as a Gyarados?
Charizard is in the Monster and Dragon Egg Group, while Gyarados is in the Dragon and Water 2 Egg Group. This shows that Charizard and Gyarados both belong to the Dragon Egg Group.
The Pokémon in the Dragon Egg Group vary from each other according to their type. These types closely resemble creatures like lizards, serpents, and dinosaurs.
However, they do share a similarity of being considered as resembling dragons 🐉 in different cultures.
It’s also known that Pokémon in the Dragon Egg Group are also known to belong to other Egg Groups as well. Charizard and Gyarados are great examples of this.
What Pokémon Can Breed With a Gyarados?

Since Gyarados belongs to two different Egg Groups, it can breed with a variety of other Pokémon. The table clearly illustrates the Pokémon Gyarados can breed with:
Compatible Pokémon Gyarados Can Breed With | |
Dragon Egg Group |
Water 2 Egg Group |
Charmander |
Goldeen |
Charmeleon |
Seaking |
Charizard |
Magikarp |
Ekans |
Gyarados |
Arbok |
Chinchou |
Horsea |
Lanturn |
Seadra |
Qwilfish |
Magikarp |
Remoraid |
Dratini |
Octillery |
Gyarados |
Carvanha |
Dragonair |
Sharpedo |
Dragonite |
Wailmer |
Kingdra |
Wailord |
Treecko |
Barboach |
Grovyle |
Whiscash |
Sceptile |
Relicanth |
Swablu |
Luvdisc |
Altaria |
Finneon |
Seviper |
Lumineon |
Feebas |
Basculin (Blue-Stripped) |
Milotic |
Basculin (Red-Stripped) |
Bagon |
Alomomola |
Shelgon |
Inkay |
Salamence |
Malamar |
Gible |
Wishiwashi |
Gabite |
Wishiwashi (School) |
Garchomp |
Bruxish |
Scraggy | |
Scrafty | |
Axew | |
Fraxure | |
Haxorus | |
Druddigon | |
Deino | |
Zweilous | |
Hydregion | |
Skrelp | |
Dragalge | |
Helioptile | |
Heliolisk | |
Tyrunt | |
Tyrantrum | |
Goomy | |
Sliggoo | |
Goodra | |
Salandit | |
Salazzle | |
Turtonator | |
Drampa | |
Jangmo-o | |
Hakamo-o | |
Kommo-o |
As you can see from the table shown, Gyarados can breed with more Pokémon from the Dragon Egg Group as compared to the Water 2 Egg Group.
Can Charizard and Gyarados Breed?

It is possible to breed these Pokémon because Charizard and Gyarados belong to the same Egg Group. This means a female Charizard and a male Gyarados will produce an egg 🥚that will later hatch into a Charmander.
The reason for the egg hatching into Charmander is because the new Pokémon is always the same species as its mother🐣.
This breeding process is not instant. It takes a bit of time for the eggs to hatch. You can also hatch as many eggs as you would want.
Can You Breed a Charizard with a Gyarados?

Breeding Charizard with a Gyarados is achievable. This paring can produce a Pokémon that has the moves Bite, Crunch, and Dragon Dance.
The Charmander hatched from this breeding is able to inherit moves that Charizard might not necessarily have. 😎
For Charizard to effectively breed with Gyarados, you must ensure to remove any other Pokémon that is in the party apart from Charizard.
The breeding then begins for the compatible Pokémon then an egg is hatched.
It’s also important to be aware that there is a 90% chance of your eggs hatching and a 10% possibility that your eggs might end up empty.