Can you back up Pokemon Violet save data? (how to load back up save data for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)

I have been a passionate lover of Pokemon, and I can tell you there is nothing that sucks like losing all your saved data unexpectedly.

If you have ever lost, then you understand the disappointment that hits you. It’s even worse when you don’t know how to recover the lost data.

You might be wondering whether you can back up Pokemon Violet’s save data.

Well, worry less.

Being a Pokemon enthusiast for years, I will help you know whether you can back up and how you can recover lost save files in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Let’s get into it.

Via Tenor.

Where is Pokemon Scarlet and Violet save data stored?

Looking to recover your saved data in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet data storage. Image source: Pinterest

📇 They are stored in your switch accounts, either on the internal memory or external SD card. They are tied to your switch account such that two accounts on your switch can have two different files, and one account in two switch accounts will have two different save files.

However, two issues confuse many people and are common in save files. Let us look at these two issues, their causes, and their possible solutions.




Save data not recognized. This is a serious problem.

Not yet known, but speculations are that it results from users purchasing the DLC, the latest patch update, and linking a PoGO account.

Do not edit, overwrite, or mess around with your saved files. There can be a potential fix to your save file if Nintendo releases a solution.

Save data corrupted. This is a minor problem.

It is said to be associated with the location where you get the bug. The explanation is based on the Lumoise city bug in X and Y.

Have the latest update of Switch and Pokemon SV.

Use the system’s check for corrupted data tool.

How to Load Backup Save Data for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Via Tenor.

You can load a backup save file simply by accessing the secret menu. Go to data management and highlight “quick archive,” then hold the left joystick(click) and ➕.

You will see the send/receive save data menu, though it will tell you that “the feature is currently unavailable.” The secret menu is controlled by Nintendo.

Also, on the title screen, press the UP, X, and B buttons all together, and you will see the “load backup save file” option at the bottom right of the screen.

How to Transfer Your Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Save Data Between Two Switches

Need guidance on loading backup save data for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
Transfer Your Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Save Data Between Two Switches. Image source: Pinterest

☁️ Pokemon Scarlet and Violet do not support cloud saves, so you can only have your saves on one console at a time. You can transfer the saves in these simple steps:

  • On the home screen of Nintendo switch on both consoles, press “X” on the Pokemon game, choose “manage software,” then “transfer your save data” on both consoles.
  • On the console you are moving data from, select “send save data to another console,” and on the one you’re moving to, select “receive save data.”
  • Choose the user that has the save on the switch with the save data, choose the respective game, and press “send save data.”
  • Put the two Nintendo Switch consoles close to each other during the transfer, and you will be good to go.

How to recover lost save files on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

how to load back up save data for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Recover lost save files on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Image source: Pinterest

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have a hidden save file recovery screen you can use to restore your game to the last recovery.

😄 The good news is that the recovery mode will periodically back up your save file even when the auto-save mode is off.

To recover your Pokemon scarlet and violet save file, press and hold the UP, X, and B buttons from the main menu D-Pad.

The main menu will change to black, and your recently backed-up saved data will appear. Choose “Start from backup.”

The game will notify you that if you proceed playing from the backup save and subsequently save, the previous data will be erased, and the game will load normally in the recovered save file.

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