I must admit that I do not enjoy indulging in vitamin sources like spinach and lettuce. However, even a Pokémon could benefit from taking vitamins😂.
During my time in the Pokémon world, I have come to appreciate that if I hope to build up my Pokémon, I cannot afford to miss out on feeding them vitamins, mainly because this helps boost their Effort Values (EVs) for attack, speed, special defense, HP, special attack, and defense.
If you want to learn why vitamins are essential, join me to learn how to capitalize on their benefits within limits.
Come along!
Various Kinds of Vitamins and their Effects
The different kinds of vitamins are tabulated below. Notably, the maximum effort values (EVs) that HP Up, protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and carbos can add to the target Pokémon per use is 252.
These are the six main vitamins to give a Pokémon. The PP Up raises PP up until it is used three times.
Also, PP Max’s use is limited to once per move for the Pokémon in question.
Name of Vitamin |
Effect: |
Protein |
Adds 10 Attack Effort Values per use to the target Pokémon |
Carbos |
Increases Speed Effort Values by 10 per use to the target Pokémon |
Zinc |
Adds 10 Special Defense Effort Values per use to the target Pokémon |
HP Up |
Increases HP Effort Values by 10 per use to the target Pokémon |
PP Up |
Elevates the PP (Power Points) of a given move by one fifth of the move’s base Power Points |
Calcium |
Adds 10 Special Attack Effort Values per use to the target Pokémon |
PP Max |
Elevates the PP (Power Points) of a given move by eight fifths of the move’s base Power Points |
Iron |
Adds 10 Defense Effort Values per use to the target Pokémon |
Is there a Limit to the Amount of Vitamins You Can Use?
The upper limit for the number of vitamins to give a single Pokémon is 51. Additionally, the maximum number of consumptions of a single vitamin that a Pokémon can take is 10 for every stat.
Consider the six essential vitamins discussed earlier. A Pokémon could consume 10 of five of the six vitamins, and then take one of the remaining vitamins.
For instance, you can have 10 of carbos, protein, iron, calcium, and zinc, and then one of HP Up.
However, you cannot 🙅♂️consume 51 of any vitamins.
How Many Vitamins Does it Take to Max a Stat in Pokémon?
It takes 25 vitamins and two feathers to max a stat. To max a stat, you would require just a bit of simple math🤓. For a player to max a stat, they will need to do so by attaining 252 effort values (EVs).
With each vitamin that a Pokémon consumes, they gain 10 EVs that will boost a particular stat.
A feather offers one EV for whatever stat it boosts. Hence, to get to 252 EVs for a single stat, the Pokémon will need to consume ten vitamins to get 250 EVs and then cap it out by using two feathers to add 2 EVs.
That will aggregate to 252 EVs. Simple math😂! However, note that the max total EV count for a Pokémon is 510 EVs.
Can You Give Vitamins to Level 100 Pokémon?
Yes, you can give vitamins to a Level 100 Pokémon👍. However, the challenge is in determining how the vitamins will impact the Pokémon.
If the Pokémon attained level 100 due to consuming rare candies, being in daycare, or experiencing share held, then consuming vitamins will enable the Pokémon to bypass the requirement where they could only gain EVs through acquiring experience.
That is subject to a maximum of 100 effort values for every stat. However, if the Pokémon attained level 100 through battle, then vitamins will have no effect on their EVs😖.
Since I started playing Pokemon at a tender age, my love for the game kept growing. My passion is what inspired me to pursue video game journalism. This helped me gain immersive experience of 5 years. I have a lot of expertise in the gaming industry since I have been editing game-related content for a long time. Since I have also been studying this game in-depth for years, I am now a professional player. My desire is to share everything I know about Pokemon to help you broaden your knowledge on the game. You can read more about me on the about us page.