What is the best support in a Tera Raid? (What is the best Pokemon support build for Tera Raids?)
The best support in a tera raid are Chansey, iron hands, and Annihilape’s Tera Raid Build. Embarking on the thrilling world of Tera Raids and catching rare Pokemon was one of my greatest experiences in the gaming world.
To easily catch the rare Pokemon, I had to get and make good use of the best 🤩 Pokemon that would be effective in these Tera Raids.
So, let’s quickly dive into the best physical support, offensive build, and best Pokemon to use in Tera Raids.
What is the best physical support for Pokemon tera raids?
The best physical support for Pokemon Tera raids is Chansey. It is the best supporting pocket monster that you can take into Tera Raids.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the best Chansey Tera Raid build has a fairy 🧚 Tera Type that can support moves and naturally cure to help its allies.
Healer, which is its hidden ability, has a 30% chance of curing its allies during the battles.
Chansey also holds Eviolite, which further boosts its defensive stats. To maintain your teammates’ HP, you can use ‘Heal Up’ Cheer and Life Dew.
Chansey can only learn the Life Dew move when it hits level 12. To strengthen your allies’ moves, you can use Helping Hand.
To catch a Chansey, you can bring a Pokemon that can inflict a status effect and has a false swipe to make it easier to catch it. You can find Chansey in North Province (Area Three).
You can also go through the following steps to build your Chansey:
- Give your Chansey an Everstone to prevent accidentally evolving it.
- For ease, give it Irons X25, HP Up X25, Resist Feather X2, Bold Mint X1, Health Feather X2, and Zinc X1.
- Level it up to 100.
- Swap your Everstone for an Eviolite.
- Fix your moves. You may use the move to remember to relearn Helping Hand, Life Dew, and Light Screen.
- Change the tera type to fairy for amazing defenses.
- Get an ability patch to get its hidden ability. Healer
- Pay a visit to the hyper trainer in Montenevera to make use of your bottlecaps to train Special Defense, HP, and Defense.
What is the best offensive build for Pokemon tera raids?
The best offensive build for Pokemon Tera raids is Annihilape’s Tera Raid Build. Defiant is its best ability in Tera Raid Battles.
When the user’s stats get lowered, this ability boosts the user’s attack by 2 stages. Unlike some other Pokemon, its Tera Raid build requires it to possess a Ghost 👻Tera type.
Which Pokemon should you use in tera raids to deal maximum damage?
To deal maximum damage in Tera Raids, you should use Iron Hands. It possesses the extremely potent combination of Drain Punch and Belly Drum, which knocks out opposing Pokemon quickly.
Iron Hands also takes out strong 💪 Tera Raid bosses. By utilizing its bulk and power, team strategies that have Iron Hands allow trainers to quickly capture different Tera-type Pokemon.
Iron Hands’ unprecedented 154 HP and 140 Attack give it the perfect tool to completely recover after one punch and to take a hit after incorporating Belly Drum.
The following table shows other Pokemon that you can use in tera raids.
Pokemon |
Ability |
Moves |
Hold Item |
Azumaril |
Huge Power |
Superpower, Belly Drum, Play Rough, and Liquidation |
Shell Bell |
Blissey |
Healer |
Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Light Screen, and Life Dew |
Light Clay |
Umbreon |
Synchronize |
Taunt, Helping Hand, Snarl, Light Screen |
Light Clay |