Can you breed a Charizard and a Dragonite? (Can Charizard and Dragonite breed?)
As a fan and a player of Pokémon, I enjoy using Charizard, thanks to its strength, but one thing that used to pick my interest is whether it can be bred with a Dragonite.
As a long-time player of Pokémon, I have bred a Charizard and a Dragonite successfully, but the result is always interesting and can be different depending on several factors.
It would be nice if we discussed this topic below in detail as I help you find out whether a Charizard and a Dragonite can breed 😉.

Does a Dragonite and a Charizard belong to the same egg group?

Yes 💪, both the Charizard and Dragonite belong to the same egg group, the Dragon Egg Group. As biology dictates, creatures belonging to the same age group will produce beautiful, strong offspring.
In the Pokémon world, there are 15 egg groups, which I will just list for the sake of your sanity and to refresh my mind;
- Amorphous
- Bug
- Dragon
- Fairy
- Field
- Flying
- Grass
- Human-like
- Mineral
- Monster
- Water 1
- Water 2
- Water 3
- Ditto
- Undiscovered
Not many, right? 😚 The Dragonite and Charizard are under one egg group known as the Dragon Egg Group. This does not mean that the two are the same species.
Totally different species, butthey canbe interbred to produce two different types of offspring.

However, unlike the Dragonite, Charizard belongs to two egg groups, meaning that breeding them will be fun since you can do it with several Pokémon.
A more interesting thing is that a breed of the two is purely dependent on the mother’s evolution line, to means that the offspring will be from the female’s evolutionary line.
What do you get when you breed a Charizard and a Dragonite?

When you breed a Charizard and a Dragonite, you either get a Charmander or Dratini, depending on who the mother is.
You have come across the Charmander several times, but your curiosity has never picked on how they are produced, right? First, let’s describe what Charmander looks like without referring to anything.
A Charmander has blue eyes, an orange body and is found in the Kanto region. They are as a result of a female Charizard breeding with a male Dragonite.
On the other hand, a Dratini has a blue body and is white on the undersurface. Dratini is a result of a female Dragonite and a male Charizard.
Breed species |
Result |
Male Dragonite + female Charizard |
Charmander |
Female Dragonite + male Charizard |
Dratini |
This base species can also inherit some of the man’s characteristics;
- Egg moves to mean that the Charmander may as well learn or naturally have some characteristics of the Dragonite
- Natures
- Shinies mean that a shiny Pokémon depends on the breeding method that you use, so you best be careful about the breeding methods😉.
Breeding a Dragonite and a Charizard is possible. However, the result is dependent on the female as a female Dragonite breeding with a male Charizard will produce a Dratini, while Charmander will be a result of a male Dragonite being bred with a female Charizard.
Aside from Dragonite and Charizard breeding, can Pokémon within the same group breed?
Yes, Pokémon from the same egg group can be interbred. However, the compatibility is determined by the gender or species of the Pokémon.